Students postgraduate student
teachers postgraduate student
Xinjie Liu

Xinjie Liu

Xinjie Liu , male, doctoral student, born in 1989. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011, Department of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Master of Science and Technology, majoring in chlorophyll fluorescence remote sensing inversion algorithms and applications.

Educational experience

2011/09–present, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Department of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Master of Science and Technology, Graduate Student, Tutor: Researcher Liu Liangyun;

2007/09–2011/06, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, School of Remote Sensing, Department of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Bachelor.

Host or participate in research projects

[1] The fund project of the Graduate School of Remote Sensing Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, full-band chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum remote sensing inversion, 2015/01-2015/12, project leader.

[2] A special project for high-resolution Earth observation system, typical vegetation parameter inversion technique for hyperspectral load, 2014/10-2016/10, participated.

[3] Participated in the National Natural Science Foundation Excellent Youth Fund Project, 41222008, Vegetation Quantitative Remote Sensing, 2013/01-2015/12, participated.

[4] National Science and Technology Support Program, Grassland Fine Classification Algorithm and Aerial Experiment Design, 2013/01-2016/12, participated.

Research results


[1] Liu X., Liu L. Assessing Band Sensitivity to Atmospheric Radiation Transfer for Space-based Retrieval of Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence [J]. Remote Sensing, 6(11), 2014. (SCI).

[2] Liu X., Liu L. Improving Chlorophyll Fluorescence Retrieval Using Reflectance Reconstruction Based on Principal Components Analysis [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(8), 2015. (SCI).

[3] Liu X., Liu L., Zhang S., Zhou X. New Spectral Fitting Method for Full-Spectrum Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Retrieval Based on Principal Components Analysis [J]. Remote Sensing, 7(8), 2015 (SCI).

[4] Liu L., Liu X., Hu J. Effects of spectral resolution and SNR on the vegetation solar-induced fluorescence retrieval using FLD-based methods at canopy level [J]. European Journal of Remote Sensing. (SCI).

[5] Liu Xinjie, Liu Liangyun. Remote sensing inversion of chlorophyll fluorescence GOSAT satellite [J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(6).2013. (CSCD).

[6] Liu Xinjie, Liu Liangyun, Li Xuzhi, Zhang Jiuxing. Comparative Study on Data Classification of Tiangong-1 Hyperspectral Imager and Environmental Star CCD Data[J]. Remote Sensing Information, 28(3).2013. (CSCD).

[7] Hu Wei, Liu Liangyun, Liu Xinjie. Uncertainty analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence and phreatic inverse algorithm simulated by FluorMOD model[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing 19(4).2015. (CSCD).

Academic reward

[1] November 2015: Graduate National Scholarship

[2] May 2015: 'Three Good Students' of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

[3] December 2014: Funded by the Director of the Graduate School of Remote Sensing Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences

[4] October 2014: The 7th Cross-Strait Remote Sensing/Telemetry Seminar 'Excellent Student Paper Award'

[5] June 2011: Excellent graduate of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

[6] November 2010: National Scholarship

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