Students postgraduate student
teachers postgraduate student
 Yingxin Xiao

Yingxin Xiao

 Yingxin Xiao, female, academic master student, born in 1999. She is a graduate student majoring in Cartography and Geographic Information System at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020. Her main research is modeling for pest detection and early warning.

Education Experience

2020/09 - present: Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, graduate student, mentored by Associate Researcher Dong Yingying;

2016/09 - 2020/06: College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, majoring in Geographic Information Systems, undergraduate

Academic Awards

[1] 2016-2017 National Scholarship

[2] 2017-2018 National Scholarship

[3] 2018-2019 National Scholarship

[4] 2018-2019 Principal's Scholarship

[5] National Second Prize in National College Mathematics Competition in Modeling

[6] Beijing Municipal Second Prize in the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling

[7] Won the first-class academic scholarship for three times

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