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The 3rd Conference on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Pests and Diseases 2022

Time: 2022-07-04
View: 83

The 3rd Conference on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Pests and Diseases 2022 is jointly organized by the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Anhui University. Due to COVID-19, the conference will be held in a hybrid online and offline on 27-28 August.

Conference with the theme as “Protect Vegetation, Guard Security” aims to facilitate cross-disciplinary and industry-academia-research-application integration, and to promote the theoretical research, methodology innovation, technology extension and application demonstration in vegetation pests and diseases. It focuses on biodiversity protection, green prevention and control of pests and diseases, ecological security assessment of agriculture, forestry, and grassland. Excellent scientists in research fields of remote sensing, plant protection, ecology, environment, meteorology, artificial intelligence, ethics of science and technology, etc. are invited to share latest achievements and future development trend of theories, models, methods, systems and applications of monitoring, early warning, prevention and control of vegetation pests and diseases. It is to promote the theoretical innovations and industrial applications of vegetation pests and diseases, and to build an ecological civilization, pursue the harmonious coexistence of man and nature and build a community of all life on Earth.


27 August


Opening Ceremony

Invited Speeches


Session: Theories of Monitoring, Early Warning, Prevention and Control of Vegetation Pests and Diseases

28 August


Session: Methods of Monitoring, Early Warning, Prevention and Control of Vegetation Pests and Diseases


Session: Applications of Monitoring, Early Warning, Prevention and Control of Vegetation Pests and Diseases

Closing Ceremony


The conference will organize a special issue of Monitoring, Early Warning, and Scientific Management of Vegetation Pests and Diseases in Remote Sensing ( 

Remote Sensing has an Impact Factor of 5.349 (2021) and locates in JCR - Q1 (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary).

Global Challenge of Crop Disease Diagnosis

Title: Beyond Visible Spectrum: AI for Agricultural Challenges- series 1: Automated Crop Disease Diagnosis from Hyperspectral Imagery (

Time: 1 July-10 August, 2022

Participation policies

1) Register an account and create a profile on Kaggle (

2) Participate in the Global Challenge of Crop Disease Diagnosis (

3) Download the training data.

4) Submit the result.

The Global Challenge of Crop Disease Diagnosis is jointly organized by the Manchester Metropolitan University and Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The challenge is open during 1 July to 10 August, 2022. The top 5 contestants will be invited as the coauthors to write the manuscript of crop disease diagnosis methods which will be submitted to the conference Special Issue. In addition, a certificate will also be given to the contestants. 

For further information please contact Prof. Liangxiu Han (E-mail: in Manchester Metropolitan University and Prof. Wenjiang Huang (E-mail: in Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Please register here.


Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Telephone: 010-82178178


Anhui University

Telephones: 0551-62950501, 15656967026


Organizers and Sponsors

Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Anhui University

Manchester Metropolitan University

China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation

International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals

Hangzhou Dianzi University

National Engineering Research Center for Agro-Ecological Big Data Analysis & Application

Alliance of International Science Organizations in the Belt and Road Region, ANSO

Biological Disaster Prevention and Control Center of National Forestry and Grassland Administration

National Agro-Tech Extension Service Center

Ningbo University

National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture

South China Agricultural University

Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Institute of Grassland Research of CAAS

Institute of Plant Protection (IPP), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Chinese Academy of Forestry

Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, CAAS

Shandong University of Technology

Shandong University of Science and Technology

Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Peking University

Zhejiang University

Beijing Forestry University

China Agricultural University

Northwest A&F University

Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science

Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, CABI

Nanjing Agricultural University

Hangzhou Normal University

Lanzhou University

Xidian University

Xi’an University of Science and Technology

Henan Agricultural University

Huazhong Agricultural University

Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

Changsha University of Science & Technology

China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources

Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration on Forest Pest Monitoring and Warning

Agricultural and Rural Geographic Information Working Committee of China Association for Geographic Information Society

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) - CABI Joint Laboratory for Bio-safety

National Innovation Alliance for Grassland Biological Disaster Prevention and Control

National Aviation Plant Protection Science and Technology Innovation Alliance

Key Laboratory of Aviation Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Remote Sensing

National Remote Sensing Bulletin

Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering

Phone: 86 (0)10 82178178       P.C:100094
No. 9, Dengzhuang South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
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