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Sino-British international cooperation project started in Beijing

Time: 2018-04-23
View: 48

From April 19 to 20, 2018, the China-UK Joint Science Innovation Fund project 'Data services for agricultural resilience' was held in Beijing.

In order to promote Sino-UK scientific and technological cooperation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) jointly funded five international cooperation projects, and the research and monitoring methods for remote sensing and prediction of major crop pests and diseases hosted by researcher Huang Wenjiang The project 'Integrating advanced earth observation and environmental information for managing management of crop pests and diseases' is one of them. Since April 2016, various projects have achieved innovations in the field of agricultural science and technology. STFC has funded the Sino-British Joint Science and Innovation Fund project “Data services for agricultural resilience” on the basis of previous projects.

The project plans to combine the strengths of scientific research between China and the UK, the rich data resources of the two fields in the field of satellite data, meteorological data, ground observations, and the innovations of five existing Sino-British international cooperation projects in the field of agricultural science and technology. The big data service platform promotes the application demonstration of agricultural science and technology innovation technology in China's government decision-making, scientific research, and commercial promotion. The project's Chinese project leader (PI) is a researcher at the Institute of Remote Sensing Earth, Huang Wenjiang, and the British PI is Professor Richard Tiffin of Agrimetrics. The project research period is from October 2017 to March 2019.

From the British Embassy in China, STFC, Agrimetrics, Assimila, International Applied Bioscience Center (CABI), Newcastle University, UK, and the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Rural Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the International Cooperation Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences More than 40 experts and scholars such as the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China Meteorological Administration, China Agricultural University, National Aviation Plant Protection Technology Innovation Alliance, National Agricultural Information Technology Research Center, Bayer Company, Jiage Company participated in the kick-off meeting. The meeting was co-chaired by Prof. Huang Wenjiang and Professor Richard Tiffin.

Dr. Andy Shaw, Head of the STFC Program in the UK, delivered a speech on behalf of STFC, briefed on the five projects jointly funded by (NSFC) and STFC and the project, and supported the establishment of the project and the expected establishment of an agricultural data service platform to support agriculture. Scientific and precise management expressed expectations. Dr. Zhendong Wang from the Rural Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Ms. Du Xiaomeng, Director of the European Department of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chen Mingmei, Project Director of the International Cooperation Office of the Remote Sensing Earth Institute, respectively, on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Remote Sensing Earth, all said that they would be Chinese and English. Cooperation provides the necessary support and protection.

Researcher Huang Wenjiang briefly introduced the research results of remote sensing earth survey and remote sensing technology in global vegetation monitoring, crop yield forecasting, crop pest and disease reporting, and big data platform construction. Professor Richard Tiffin reports on agricultural science big data sources, data modeling, platform building, and data service outputs. The meeting invited Dr. Jon Styles from Assimila, Shen Yan from China Meteorological Administration, Associate Professor Huang Jianxi from China Agricultural University, Ms. Meng Yanhua from the National Aviation Plant Protection Technology Innovation Alliance, Ms. Cynthia Wei from Bayer, and Dr. Gu Zhu from Jiage. Related reports. Participants conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the status quo, development trends and application prospects of agricultural big data services, and clarified the development direction of geo-observation technology and big data technology in China's agricultural field and the potential for transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Sino-British international cooperation project started in Beijing

Researcher Huang Wenjiang reports

Sino-British international cooperation project started in Beijing

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